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House Primary Endorsements

The AFT Washington COPE committee made endorsements in many of the races in Washington this primary season. You can review the full list here (and if you aren't sure of your legislative district, you can find it at the Washington State Legislature District Finder). Many of the endorsements we made are familiar faces that members know and have spoken with before. But we are highlighting a few who are, typically, newcomers to their seats, and/or in very tight races. We believe these candidates have strong, clear visions in line with our values, and would serve well in their districts.

LD 3: Natasha Hill

Natasha Hill is a civil rights advocate with an impressive resume of work as a lawyer and in other roles. She is currently the editor of Black Lens, a newsletter focused on Spokane’s Black community and local justice issues, and served recently on the Spokane County Commissioner Redistricting Committee, which was tasked with creating five equitable voting districts in Spokane County; the historic bipartisan effort of the commission resulted in Democratic representation at the county level for the first time, with 2 of the 5 commissioners now being Democrats. In 2022, she ran against Cathy McMorris Rodgers as the first woman of color to run in the 5th, and got over 40% of the vote. Her campaign’s priorities resonate with Washingtonians.

In the race for the 3rd, Natasha is running to be a true champion for Spokane’s working families. We agree with this and with her vision for the future. She is committed to public safety and particularly to addressing the fentanyl crisis in Spokane, to relieving the overburdened middle class by putting working families at the center of economic policy, to strengthening public education so that every child receives a quality education and education professionals are well paid for the work they do. She will protect access to abortion, and is dedicated to a just and equitable transition away from fossil fuels – one where workers are not simply left behind but transition into the jobs a clean economy needs.

We share Hill’s vision of a stronger Washington, and are pleased to endorse her. You can learn more about her at

In LD 5, we made a dual endorsement.

LD 5: Jason Ritchie

Jason Ritchie has been a public servant for all of his adult life. He has been a history teacher, owned a small business doing remodels for people with physical challenges, and is currently a disability advocate. AFT Washington endorses him for his clear vision of solutions to Washington state’s affordability crisis that will build a stronger state. He is particularly prioritizing infrastructure investment, which builds jobs and the economy right along with building roads, small business support through easing barriers to scaling up and getting loans, housing availability that does not focus only on building more homes, and improving and upholding Washington’s tradition of leading with progressive values. We believe these are good, practical solutions to many of Washington’s most pressing problems and see Ritchie as a solid leader with a vision for a stronger Washington.

You can learn more about Jason Ritchie at

LD 5: Victoria Hunt

Victoria Hunt is a third-term Issaquah City Council member and environmental scientist with a track record of championing initiatives for environmental stewardship, affordable housing, and improved public safety. Her vision for Washington reflects this; she is prioritizing increasing affordable housing in balance with protecting communities and the environment. She also plans to advocate for a strong public school system and for improved early-learning and childcare opportunities for families. Improved public safety, improved transit and accessibility, and improved access to healthcare are also key goals for Hunt, along with strengthened and improved environmental stewardship for Washington state. We agree with her about these needs and her intended remedies will build a stronger Washington that is resilient for the future.

You can learn more about Victoria Hunt at

LD 23: Brynn Felix

Brynn Felix is currently a public interest lawyer who has worked with and for a number of important progressive causes, including the ACLU of Washington, the Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates PAC, and the state’s Access to Justice board, and appointment by the state Supreme Court. Her career in public service has revolved around improving and strengthening diverse representation and equal rights.

AFT Washington has endorsed Felix for the 23rd LD because of her vision of an infrastructure of opportunity. Composed of healthcare, education, housing, and environmental justice, it allows people to achieve their greatest potential regardless of where they start in life. Her goal as a legislator is to improve access to all four of those key priorities, and strengthen them to be the most inclusive systems possible, and we believe in that vision of Washington’s future with her.

You can learn more about Brynn Felix at

LD 24: Nate Tyler

Born and raised on the Makah Indian Reservation, Nate Tyler has spent many years serving his community, including as elected tribal chair, as vice president of the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, and on the National Indian Health Board and the Clallam County Sheriff’s Community Advisory Board.

At AFT Washington, we believe Tyler’s vision for the 24th LD and for Washington is one that addresses many of the challenges we face, and builds stronger, more resilient communities. He is prioritizing improved access to health care and social services, particularly for marginalized and rural communities; improved public safety, particularly including rural emergency services that are strapped for resources; and securing benefits for struggling veterans, where Tyler’s advocacy for better veteran care led to significantly improved outcomes for veterans. In addition to those priorities, Tyler is also seeking to restore, improve, and protect Washington’s climate resilience, addressing the impact of climate change and ensuring communities have clean air and water, and increasing the supply of affordable housing, which gives the stability needed for people to address other issues in their lives. We agree with him about these key needs and his vision has earned AFT Washington’s endorsement.

You can learn more about Nate Tyler at

LD 43: Shaun Scott

Shaun Scott is running for State Representative in the 43rd LD on a very progressive platform that supports working people. He is currently the policy lead at the Statewide Poverty Action Network, and his past roles include working as a campaign staffer for US Representative Pramila Jayapal and as a field director for Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign.

AFT Washington gave Scott the endorsement in this race because of the components of his vision for Washington: he wants to build a fair, inclusive, sustainable, and accessible Washington. He is prioritizing progressive revenue, labor rights, affordable housing, a stronger social safety net, green jobs and a just transition, and policies that improve access in Washington state. Along with those, he sees a robust education system that ticks a lot of the needs we know our state has: free school meals for all students, expansion of the Workforce Education Investment Act, a removal of the SPED funding cap, and refining Washington’s regionalization formula to ensure equitable funding for all state schools. These are crucial needs that will make significant improvements to Washington’s schools and the communities of our future, and we share this vision wholeheartedly.

You can learn more about Shaun Scott at

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