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Endorsements and Elections

2024 Primary Endorsements

The AFT Washington COPE Committee has made its endorsement selections for the 2024 primary election! You can view them here

In this year’s elections, our Committee on Political Education (COPE) drafted a rigorous, wide-ranging questionnaire, comprising 13 questions on issues such as racial equity, progressive revenue, cost-free college, artificial intelligence, funding for education and educators’ salaries, economic inequality, climate change, healthcare, retirement security, and support for labor and collective bargaining.

You can find our full list of endorsed candidates on our website. If you do not know your legislative district, you can find it at the Washington State Legislature District Finder.


The AFT Washington COPE committee made endorsements in many of the races in Washington this primary season. You can review the full list here (and if you aren't sure of your legislative district, you can find it at the Washington State Legislature District Finder). Many of the endorsements we made are familiar faces that members know and have spoken with before. But we are highlighting a few who are, typically, newcomers to their seats, and/or in very tight races. We believe these candidates have strong, clear visions in line with our values, and would serve well in their districts.


There is a lot of information out about how to vote in the state of Washington. We're here to help. Whether you are a new Washington voter or are curious about some aspect of our voting system, this is the information we've found most useful for our members.
