9am - 10:30am "Overcoming Barriers to Solidarity in the Workplace" plenary moderated by Tefere Gebre
10:45a.m. - 12:15p.m. Breakout Sessions, Round One (Subject to Change)
- Choke Point: Logistics Workers Seizing Power
- Race and Labor
- Workforce Development and Apprenticeships (to be updated)
- Aerospace Jobs and Organizing
- Raising our Voices for Safety
- The Union Effect 1: Recent successes in raising the floor - what we learned
12:00 - 1:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions, Round Two (Subject to Change)
- Education Justice: Union Power for the Public Good
- Beating Apathy (to be updated)
- Solidarity in Action: Sanctuary Unions (to be updated)
- Tech Jobs and Organizing (to be updated)
- Healthcare Jobs and Organizing (to be updated)
- The Union Effect 2: What's labor's future role in raising the floor?
Closing Plenary: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. "The Future of Organizing"