Seattle Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) invites you to support our 20th annual fundraising banquet and silent auction on Friday, March 8, 2019, 5:30-8:00 pm at the Jerry Brockey Center, South Seattle College. This year, our theme is “Our Power, Our People: Reimagining Justice.”
Workers across the world are recreating and redefining labor activism. This year marks the 100th year anniversary of the Seattle General Strike. We recognize the Asian Pacific Islander workers participating during the strike despite being barred from joining the AFL at that time for racist reasons. Their actions paved the way for API workers to join the union, rise to leadership roles in the union, and create spaces for organizations like APALA. Now more than ever, workers are taking more militant collective action to demand their fair share of the pie. In the past API workers were in the background, but now we are leaders of strikes and militant action, we are moving into leadership roles of our unions and we are helping to redefine and reimagine what the labor movement looks like and what justice means to workers.