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Invest in Washington Rally at the Capitol


State Capitol
Olympia, WA
United States

State employees protect our children, keep our parks open, fix roads and clear accidents, regulate pesticides, keep drinking water safe, certify organic farms, feed babies & m mothers, keep small businesses open, keep the lights on, fight discrimination, help needy families, fight wildfires, keep our workplaces and communities safe. But did you know, 99% of state employees are below market rate?As many of us know, the collective voice of our union makes us stronger and demands action. WFSE stood with us when the United Faculty of Green River College rallied and went on strike, and their support helped oust the college president. Let's join WFSE/AFSCME in solidarity for a rally at the State Capitol on Wednesday, August 31, at noon and ask the Legislature to Invest in Washington!To RSVP, go to

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