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Nominees for the 2025-2027 Executive Board

The AFT Washington Executive Board nomination forms are now live! You must receive nominations from 10 members in good standing and specify the role you are seeking; the people nominating you can sign a paper form you can download here or a digital form linked here, whichever is more convenient. Nominations are due to the AFT Washington office by Friday, April 25th.

The duties of the board and election information are outlined in the bylaws. Article V covers the composition of the board, the duties of the officers, and the length of term. Article VI addresses the nominations and elections process in more detail.

We also have a guide to the nominations process that you can view here.

Our current, confirmed nominees as of February 26th are:

Jacqui CainPresidentPierce College Fed of Teachers, Local 4821


Marla SimpsonPresidentAFT Everett Higher Ed, Local 1873


Jim DrinkwineVice President At LargeWhatcom Fed of Teachers, Local 3591


As additional nominees are confirmed, we will update this page.

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