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Washington State Labor Education & Research Center Reopening Celebration and Conference: Dinner and Keynote


South Seattle College Brockey Center
6000 16th Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98106
United States

Amy Yi, Labor Educator
Amy Yi, Labor Educator

Tehere Gebre, Executive Vice President of the AFL-CIO

Democracy Under Attack – Impacts on Jobs and Organizing and How to Build a Fighting Movement in Response

Democracy is under attack here in the United States and around the world. Voter suppression and right-wing political ideologies are on the rise. This drive to limit political participation based on racism and xenophobia creates a pressing need for a robust social movement based in the lived realities of working class people from every background. Leaders and activists from unions, community-based workers’ organizations, and labor education have a critical role to play in this movement building moment. Come hear progressive labor leader Tefere Gebre, lay out what’s at stake and what we need to do going forward.

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